
Balm for the soul

Dean Bubley:
Tablets - I've been somewhat surprised by the iPad's success, but I still don't see tablets as a major game-changing trend, beyond the "Apple Effect". I still think that the iPad is primarily a nice (and for some groups of people also very useful) gadget which complements their PC/Mac and smartphone usage. I don't see massmarket Android platforms fulfilling the same roles and I certainly don't see tablets heralding some sort of mythical "post-PC" era. I do seem them as becoming important for "social TV" use cases in the home, though. I expect to see a declining % of tablets with embedded/activated 3G radios going forward - the bulk will be WiFi-only. 2011 success rating: 5/10
Let me repeat:
I certainly don't see tablets heralding some sort of mythical "post-PC" era.

1 comment:

Paul M. Watson said...

What does a tablet not do in the home for most families that a netbook does? If anything I see one-netbook families buying two or three tablets for home and not bothering to buy a new netbook. Home will, I think, become post-PC.

The office is fairly safe though there are plenty of work spaces that would be better off with tablets. e.g. front-of-office service areas or wherever it is better to be walking around with a tablet than having to go back to a counter to check the laptop/desktop PC.